In 1989, an Australian teenager, Adam, and his two friends were surfing in the Pacific Ocean with a school of dolphins. They were all enjoying themselves until suddenly the dolphins started zooming around and under the boys, then surfacing and splashing violently. Something was wrong and the boys were worried.
Just then, Adam saw a fin coming toward him, but it wasn't a dolphin; it was a tiger shark! The shark attacked, taking a huge chunk out of Adam's surfboard and knocking him into the water. Adam was wounded. The shark saw Adam in the water, turned and attacked again. The dolphins went after the shark, and, worked together to chase him away. Adam's human friends helped him to shore. He had cuts on his hip, thigh, and stomach. But thanks to the dolphins, Adam lived.
Just then, Adam saw a fin coming toward him, but it wasn't a dolphin; it was a tiger shark! The shark attacked, taking a huge chunk out of Adam's surfboard and knocking him into the water. Adam was wounded. The shark saw Adam in the water, turned and attacked again. The dolphins went after the shark, and, worked together to chase him away. Adam's human friends helped him to shore. He had cuts on his hip, thigh, and stomach. But thanks to the dolphins, Adam lived.
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